Sunday, April 3, 2011

Upon my rock I build this church….

Right about now I am wary of how this post will come across. I make no assumptions, I don’t claim to be right, and I never wish to sound in any way hypocritical or judgemental. I don’t state fact; I just put what’s in my head onto a page. So here goes…..

Today it struck me just how wonderful church is. Should it have a capital letter? I guess it depends on what you feel the word means. Sure, it’s a building. But the word also represents a body of people. A congregating of those who come together and often have much in common. Somewhere everyone is welcome. The doors are always open. Same time every week, regardless. You don’t have to ask what time, or where, or what to wear. You don’t even need to be able to sing (but often it helps). Where else would you find that?

I’m not talking about any specific religion here, nor am I trying to claim to be perfect or shove any bible quotes or parables down your throat. For me it is more about the fact that church is always a celebration of sorts. Whether it’s the celebration of a long life, the start of a new life, or the beginning of a new life together, it always seems important for everyone to thank someone, somewhere, for what we’ve been given. For we are all truly blessed. Bla bla bla. But we are, right?

It doesn’t matter what or who we believe in, or if we even believe anything at all, we’re all pretty frickin lucky. The fact you’re reading this right now means you’re blessed enough to have a laptop, iPhone or other electronic device. And of course, t’internet. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in saying that so often I forget how lucky I am. How I am blessed with an amazing family, and some very special friends. And I can honestly say that I don’t realise it enough. But when I do, I am usually in Church. Celebrating something. Or someone.

This blog is for my granny, who passed away on Friday. She was one special lady, and I am truly blessed to have known her. To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die. She will always be in my heart. RIP xxx